Thursday 11 November 2010

Pro Tools 9... and upcoming work!

So Avid finally did it, they have released Pro Tools from it's hardware and now it's out in the wild for all to use. Greatest move ever if you ask me! I took the plunge the other day and it's a lot more stable than 7 or 8 ever was. It's great to have ADC, multi-track Beat Detective, better import settings, higher track counts, and basically everything it should have been from the start. Regardless, this is all useless without some great musicians to be filtering through it, and before Christmas we should be seeing some more music from the likes of Vinyl Jacket, Cloud City Trap, and I'm also excited to be mixing the new Matt Stalker and Fables record. This guy's chord choices will make you weak at the knees!! Hear more from each band below:

So keep an eye out for some great music coming your way at the end of the year!


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