Monday 22 February 2010

Working on Ashananay mixes.. and the joys of Pro Tools.

I think everyone who has used Pro Tools for more than a week has shouted some pretty impressive obscenities at it, at one time or another, and today has been no exception. Aside from random lock ups, and spikes in the CPU usage which make recording nigh-impossible after inserting one EQ into the session, I've been presented with this more than once, today being no exception:

Of course you can remedy this by trashing prefs, but why should we have to do that every time we want to just get on with some bloody work?! And why does it even happen in the first place? No one has any real answer, apart from regurgitating Digidesign spiel which covers their lazy asses for having such a buggy program.

That aside, I did manage to get a decent mix going. Mixing works okay (for the moment) as I can just crank up the buffer size and get to work, but if I want to track anything that's a different matter. I have to load a new session and record the new tracks there, and use the Import Session Data command to get it into the mix. I hate working this way, I had none of this trouble using a USB MBox2 Mini, and Pro Tools 7. Now I use a Firewire M-Audio interface (yes with the recomended Digi firewire card as well) and it's always been a real mess or various errors. It's about time they scrapped the entire program and started again seeing as some of the code is over 11 years old, and on top of that the developers have admitted themselves on the DUC that they daren't change some of the older code because they have no idea how it works. Great. To think I rely on this program to make some sort of a rep for myself, and sometimes even keep a roof over my head, continues to perplex me. It's certainly a love/hate relationship

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