Sunday 9 December 2012

It's Christmas!!

That's right! Love it or hate it, it's on the doorstep. Sorry for not updating too often, I've just been really busy (which can only be a good thing right?!) But for me, Christmas this year means being whisked away to the middle of nowhere to record with the absolutely fantabulous Matt Stalker and Fables. We are heading off to Allenheads, Northumberland to record the bulk of their second album, "Knots" and you can follow all the news on that by following the blog at . I'll be in the middle of nowhere just surrounded by my recording gear, and some amazing talent. I couldn't be happier.

Also, the lovely Meghann Clancy's new album "Take Flight" is finally finished, and will be ready to order digitally and as a physical copy from as of Monday 10th December. We spent a lot of time on this one, and I also play electric bass on the album. You can hear some samples on Amazon by clicking here

Hmm what else has been cooking? Well, I've been working behind the scenes with Vinyl Jacket on some new demos... They have definitely upped their game songwriting-wise, but unfortunately these demos will probably not see the light of day for the general public. Hopefully they'll want to release one or two one day, but for now they will stay locked in the vault and I can release them 50 years from now and make myself some nice retirement money ;) Also, the very first song we ever worked on together, "Got The Badge" made it's debut on network television, on the show "Hollyoaks" on Channel 4. I'm sure many of us have fond memories of being students and watching that show, and to hear them play the entire song was certainly quite nice.

Following on from that, I have been working on some new BoxBoxBox tunes from Greg Genre, and you can hear them in the player below. I also saw him play live for the first time last week, and what an experience! Certainly a very unique line up timbre-wise, and also just great fun to watch!

Down at BaseHQ, I have been working on a couple of projects including a new Victory Mansions single, which is close to being completed, and some recordings from Newcastle band Revolver, and you can hear one of the tracks from that upcoming disc here:

Away from production, I've been gigging a lot more with my original band The Juggernaut Love Band, and we recently played a great gig at Hoochie Coochie in Newcastle. We're back there in the new year so you can keep an eye out for that, by either following us on twittier @Jugloveband or joining the facebook page at

Thanks for reading if you made it this far, and have a great christmas!
Liam x

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Updates as of July 2012

Hello to all you readers out there. I haven't updated this news page in a while (surprise surprise) so here's what's been happening since the last post.

Let's start things with some truly remarkable music from Ditte Elly. The genius that is Matt Stalker produced the disc, and I was happy assigned mixing duties. It's a very true record, and remarkable considering she has only been writing for a year and a half. Check it out!

Moving on from that, I've been playing bass a little more for Maiden England, the UK's greatest Iron Maiden tribute! It's a total blast and different to what I would normal be playing, especially on stage. It really makes you think harder in terms of stamina and playing efficiency. They're also all great guys which makes it much easier. We're playing 'Live after Death' in its entirety soon down at Trillians, so get yourself down if you can make it. Played a pretty fun gig at The Office, in South Shields also and that one got filmed:

My original funk/soul/disco band The Juggernaut Love Band have also started to do the occasional local gig, which is very fun. You can like us on facebook here:

And of course, coming in for the finale is Vinyl Jacket, who finally released their new single "Moment". It was recently played twice by Huw Stevens on Radio 1, and you can hear that below. If you want to hear it in it's glorious un-radio-fucked quality, you can get hold of it in a 'Pay By Tweet' promotion, just click those words on the soundcloud widget!

And that'll do for now. There's some other stuff happening too, Meghan Clancy's album is in the final stages of mixing, Matt Stalker is brimming with wonderful music but is holding onto it for now, and the lads from Cloud City Trap are also working on some more music. This will all be posted when there's some tracks up :)

Monday 19 March 2012

2012 is well underway

Sorry I haven't updated the news here in a while, but i've been busy working hard which can only be a good thing!

I've been working on Meghann Clancy's new album, which is starting to sound really really great with the addition of cello and viola. Sprinkle of strings, a dash of rhythm section (with yours truly on the bass) and it should be ready to mix. As soon as a track is released you'll be able to find it on my Facebook page, which is at

Also had a few very productive sessions with the interesting Greg Genre and his band BoxBoxBox. You can hear a demo of one of the tracks at their Bandcamp page

Continuing the singer/songwriter trend is Sam Donaghey who I have been working with over the past couple of weeks to get 3 tracks recorded. After a few attempts at various genres, we seem to have hit on something that is going to work well, and one of the tracks even includes a rare guitar solo from myself. Again, when these tracks see the light of day I will be sure to repost them.

Finally, had a bit of a taste of the big smoke, when Johnny B Goode came up for the weekend to record 4 demo tracks. The wonderful Steviekeys and Johnny always know how to have a laugh and it was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Just waiting on some mix revisions and they should be good to go!


Outisde of the production world, I have also finally released a few of my own tunes to the world, and you can hear them at

I've also been working hard with my original funk/soul band and we should be gigging in the next month or two. It's not often I hit the stage with original music but this is sure to get your booty shakin' so be sure to make it to a gig if you can! Funky bass galore!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Winter 2011 Roundup

As we enter into 2012, here's a recap of what happened towards the end of the year.
I've been busy working at BaseHQ studios, on the new Victory Mansions album. It's now finished and you can hear one of the songs right here right now:

Corridors by victory_mansions

They are having an album launch night at World Headquarters in Newcastle, Info @

Also, as I write this I am patiently awaiting the new Vinyl Jacket single to air on the Huw Stevens show on Radio 1. The track is called "Red Light" and the video is coming out very soon. In the meantime here's an embarrassing youtube clip they released:

There's also new music coming from Matt Stalker & Fables very soon, and I can't stop gushing about that band. Just push the faders up and the job is done. Sublime.

Last but not least we have a lovely singer-songwriter called Meghann Clancy, she is working towards a short album's worth of material. Next to be recorded is strings, which will be great as the opportunity only rears its head rarely. As soon as any clips come online you'll be sure to hear them, but her website is at

Outside of this, I'm having a blast playing some good ol' funk with Black Snow and we should be recording another tune or two in the next few weeks with three new members.

Hope everyone has a great 2012,
weez x

Saturday 17 September 2011

Summer draws to a close...

In typical British fashion, the summer has been and gone, with only perhaps a few days sunshine at best. However, the music's been flowin' well and there's lots to discuss.
In the wider world, there's new Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dream Theater, Nero, Opeth albums to name but a few which I'm totally loving, but there's lots going on in my own personal world too.

Danny Apple has just released his latest double A side online, and you can find that here:

DANNY APPLE Feelin' by Narc Records

It seems to be selling quite well, and hopefully he'll be back to record more!

Also, the amazing Matt Stalker & Fables came to the studio to record their new Ghost EP which was released for charity, and you can hear that here: (Don't forget to buy it! It's all for charity, and music of this calibre should cost more than twice as much!!)

Matt Stalker & Fables - Ghost (Children North East EP) by Matt Stalker & Fables

Bernaccia came in and did a 4 track session too:
Roadrunner by bernacciamusic

And last but of course not least, my boys Vinyl Jacket have something new coming up very shortly...

Sunday 12 June 2011

Gearing up for the new VJ Single release... Moving House....

That's right, it's that time again. Vinyl Jacket's new single 'Koala' has been finally finished and is doing the rounds online ready for it's physical release next month. You can have a sneek peak here

I also ended up doing live sound for them at NewcastleGateshead Evolution Festival which was a total blast:

Outside of this, my bands have started gigging a bit more. Had the first gig with my disco/funk band Black Snow, which is just great fun all round. Below is the demo we recorded:

Black Snow Demo by Liam Gaughan

I'm also gigging with Soul Technique a little more and we have our next gig on July 11th supporting Alex Clare at the Cluny 2, so that's worth checking out!

Finally, I'm moving across to the other side of Newcastle in july, over to Fenham. Excited about that, as i've been based in Heaton for so long. Couple that with a new computer and things are looking promising for the rest of the year.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Recent Happenings

Well, things are off to a great start this year. Vinyl Jacket are storming the world with their single "Painting Stations". It's getting plenty of airtime, including a full play on Radio 1, Capital FM, BBC6 Music, and every regional BBC Station. Have a deeks below:

Painting Stations - Huw Stephens [Radio 1] : 23 February 2011 by vinyljacketuk

Also, Matt Stalker & Fables are getting ready to release their new album with a show at the Independent in Sunderland, on April 1st. So get yourself down if you appreciate great honest music with exquisite harmonic and melodic gold!

You can also hear a sample of the new album right here too:
Welded To Me, Barnacle To Bow by Matt Stalker & Fables

Even more special is that both bands appear together in NARC magazine this month, so be sure to pick it up. It's free!

Recording also re-commences with Cloud City Trap, after a christmas hiatus, so expect more tasty treats from them, hopefully in the shape of an album release!

Also, if you're visiting BaseHQ any time in the future, we're now rocking Pro Tools 9 down there, which means I can work much more quickly, confidently and efficiently than ever before, and the first session was with the band Kobadelta which went swimmingly.

Outside of the production world, I am starting to get in the swing of things with Soul Technique and for good measure here is their latest single, Move With Me:

Move with Me [Single] by Soul Technique