Saturday 17 September 2011

Summer draws to a close...

In typical British fashion, the summer has been and gone, with only perhaps a few days sunshine at best. However, the music's been flowin' well and there's lots to discuss.
In the wider world, there's new Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dream Theater, Nero, Opeth albums to name but a few which I'm totally loving, but there's lots going on in my own personal world too.

Danny Apple has just released his latest double A side online, and you can find that here:

DANNY APPLE Feelin' by Narc Records

It seems to be selling quite well, and hopefully he'll be back to record more!

Also, the amazing Matt Stalker & Fables came to the studio to record their new Ghost EP which was released for charity, and you can hear that here: (Don't forget to buy it! It's all for charity, and music of this calibre should cost more than twice as much!!)

Matt Stalker & Fables - Ghost (Children North East EP) by Matt Stalker & Fables

Bernaccia came in and did a 4 track session too:
Roadrunner by bernacciamusic

And last but of course not least, my boys Vinyl Jacket have something new coming up very shortly...

Sunday 12 June 2011

Gearing up for the new VJ Single release... Moving House....

That's right, it's that time again. Vinyl Jacket's new single 'Koala' has been finally finished and is doing the rounds online ready for it's physical release next month. You can have a sneek peak here

I also ended up doing live sound for them at NewcastleGateshead Evolution Festival which was a total blast:

Outside of this, my bands have started gigging a bit more. Had the first gig with my disco/funk band Black Snow, which is just great fun all round. Below is the demo we recorded:

Black Snow Demo by Liam Gaughan

I'm also gigging with Soul Technique a little more and we have our next gig on July 11th supporting Alex Clare at the Cluny 2, so that's worth checking out!

Finally, I'm moving across to the other side of Newcastle in july, over to Fenham. Excited about that, as i've been based in Heaton for so long. Couple that with a new computer and things are looking promising for the rest of the year.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Recent Happenings

Well, things are off to a great start this year. Vinyl Jacket are storming the world with their single "Painting Stations". It's getting plenty of airtime, including a full play on Radio 1, Capital FM, BBC6 Music, and every regional BBC Station. Have a deeks below:

Painting Stations - Huw Stephens [Radio 1] : 23 February 2011 by vinyljacketuk

Also, Matt Stalker & Fables are getting ready to release their new album with a show at the Independent in Sunderland, on April 1st. So get yourself down if you appreciate great honest music with exquisite harmonic and melodic gold!

You can also hear a sample of the new album right here too:
Welded To Me, Barnacle To Bow by Matt Stalker & Fables

Even more special is that both bands appear together in NARC magazine this month, so be sure to pick it up. It's free!

Recording also re-commences with Cloud City Trap, after a christmas hiatus, so expect more tasty treats from them, hopefully in the shape of an album release!

Also, if you're visiting BaseHQ any time in the future, we're now rocking Pro Tools 9 down there, which means I can work much more quickly, confidently and efficiently than ever before, and the first session was with the band Kobadelta which went swimmingly.

Outside of the production world, I am starting to get in the swing of things with Soul Technique and for good measure here is their latest single, Move With Me:

Move with Me [Single] by Soul Technique

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Radio 1 Airplay

That's right! On Monday 11th January, Vinyl Jacket's new single "Painting Stations" was played on the Chris Moyles show to an audience of 7.2 million people. Excited doesn't really sum it up. Shaking profusely is probably more accurate. I can't imagine how the band felt. It was their hard work that got the song there, I am merely a background player who put a lot of time and energy into it, and explaining why you're even excited to the uninitiated is a job in itself. Regardless, it was a huge moment for myself and most importantly the mix survived the wall of BBC compressors very well! Have a deeks below :)
Vinyl Jacket - Painting Stations [Chris Moyles Show, BBC Radio 1 11th Jan 2011] by Liam Gaughan

In other news, Cloud City Trap are coming back to continue with work on their as yet untitled album and I've also joined a new funk band, called Soul Technique which you can find out more about, at Needless to say, as a bass player it's a very fun gig and playing in a band with an MC really does excite me seeing as I religiously praise a lot of hip hop, especially the way the rhythms interact with the beat. Lovely.